Quick Links
Registration: 2pm - 4pm Sponsor and Super Sponsor Only, 4pm - 5pm General Pre-Reg, 5pm - 7pm On-Site Reg
Con Ops: Opens at 2:00am
Safety Office: 5:00pm - 2:00am
Photo Booth: Closed
Game Room: Closed
Fuzzy Logic Escape Room: Games held at 7:00pm & 8:30pm
Zoo: 5:00pm - 2:00am
Fursuit Lounge: 5:00pm - 2:00am
Quiet Room: 5:00pm - 2:00am
Dealer Den, Artist Alley, and ConStore: Closed
5:00pm - 5:45pm
Rainbow Meet (F)
Pun the Sparkledog - Panel Room A
Are you a colorful creature and wanna meet more like you? Come join up with the brightest of creatures that call the furry fandom home! Fursuits encouraged but not required.
5:00pm - 5:45pm
Life of Alan Dragonwolf (F)
Oreo the Wolf - Panel Room B
We are gathering to remember and reflect on the loss of a Furry member of the community and social and mingle. We will reflect on his life and the lives of others who we have lost and socialize as a community and come together stronger. We will share stories and tales, memories of the ones we lost. We will never forget.
5:45pm - 7:15pm
Embracing the Journey of Change Through Health and Fitness (F)
Ryne Bearlet - Panel Room C
This panel and lesson is targeted to those looking to start a healthy lifestyle change or those in the beginning stages. The panel will be presented by Ryne Bearlet, an aspiring personal trainer and bodybuilder who used health and fitness to lose 100 lbs., manage pain, and as a healthy outlet for mental health. The goal of the panel is to simplify the process of approaching change by keeping the sense of self.
6:00pm - 7:15pm
Friendship Finding Mixer (F)
Maxx Cat - Panel Room A
Are you ready to expand your social circle? Maybe you just want to meet others who will be enjoying the Prehistoric Furry Weekend with you? Then let's go! Join us while we break some ice, get to know some randoms, and hopefully find some new friends that last longer than just the weekend!
6:00pm - 6:45pm
Sticker Meet Up (U)
Woofles - Panel Room B
Trade and interact with others through cute little stickers as ice breakers. I will be giving away stickers to anyone who joins the panel and will have an item for anyone to sticker bomb. Come have a fun time and take home a little sticky!
7:00pm - 7:45pm
Cerimon's Plant Meet & Swap (F)
Cinero - Panel Room B
Welcome one and all to the second BWS Plant Meet & Swap! Bring your own houseplants, plant-inspired characters, or just your botanical enthusiasm. Attendees are welcome to bring their own cuttings to share, but this is not required. The host will bring basic supplies such as a transplanting mat, small clear planters, and cups to provide plants a watery home. There may be other surprises in store as well!
To connect with other furry fans of flora, join our Telegram chat here: t.me/FurryGardenClub
7:30pm - 8:15pm
Jaxie's Absurdity Hour of 45 min. (U)
Jax - Panel Room A
Life is absurd, and Jaxie has a brilliantly absurd plan! Host a panel without a real plan! Come join the fun; just beware, you may become part of the show. :D
7:30pm - 8:15pm
How to Cook a Dino and other Prehistoric Creatures! (F)
Maxx Cat - Panel Room C
There is one thing all living things have in common, we all gotta eat! Foodies of the Cave, let's figure out what our perfect meal would've been if we were able to feast on an exotic salad, eat the largest eggs, and actually bite into those giant meat bones!
8:00pm - 8:45pm
Trinket Trading Post (F)
Cinero - Panel Room B
Have too many stickers, pins, cool rocks, or other goods you'd like to trade or give away? Come visit the ephemeral Trinket Trading Post Items ranging from mystery box extras to art supplies are welcome as long as they are in decent condition, SFW (PG-13 or below), and not food or drinks. Remember, this event is only for trading and giving away items! No sales are allowed.
8:30pm - 9:15pm
My Little Pony Debate Club (U)
November - Panel Room A
Want to defend your favorite princess's honor? Then join us for the My Little Pony Debate Club! Discuss topics such as the best princess or did Trixie actually do anything wrong, or is she just a girlboss? Join us and become an honorary pony court attorney and defend your best my little pony hot takes.
8:30pm - 9:15pm
How to Improve Your RP (SFW) (U)
Maxx - Panel Room C
~waves paw~ Hello friends! Interacting online can sometimes get stale when trying to converse with others. Join this easy writing workshop to help improve your creative skills and possibly spark a new passion inside! Bring a pad of paper and pencil or any device you can type on!
9:00pm - 9:45pm
Sketch & Chill (U)
Cinero - Panel Room B
Need a break from your time-traveling adventures at BWS? Stop by the Sketch & Chill meet to relax and draw for a spell. Attendees are welcome to bring physical or digital sketchbooks, and swapping with others is welcome but not required. Openly shared artwork should be SFW (PG-13 or below). If you need some basic art supplies, they will be available as well.
9:30pm - 10:45pm
Songdog Spin Sesh Vinyl Meetup (U)
Major - Panel Room A
If you think flipping through racks of shrinkwrapped album covers in a dusty record shop is one of the best ways to spend time, are interested in the vinyl collecting hobby, or just love chilling to music, this meetup is for you. Bring a crate to play (most genres welcome, so long as they're relatively family friendly), bring stories of rare B-sides, or just bring yourselves to socialize, swap recommendations, and vibe to the music.
9:30pm - 10:15pm
How to Improve Your ERP (R)
Minke Kitty - Panel Room C
~nuzzles and wuzzles~ UwU , tired of being cringe when you're trying to flirt with your potential future werewolf boyfriend? Slide on into this panel room to learn how to spice up those messages and impress the cuties! Bring a notepad and pen or anything you can type on and let's get our fingers dirty!
10:00pm - 10:45pm
Plushie Enthusiasts Meetup (F)
Worm - Panel Room B
Plushies, stuffies, stuffed animals, whatever you call them, if you’re a fan of soft and cuddly toys, then this panel is for you! Bring your favorite plushies along to hang out and chat.
10:30pm - 11:45pm
How To Draw Eggplants (R)
Tyrr Kangaroo - Panel Room C
I will teach you how to draw eggplants, cucumbers, and bananas. I'll be going over different shapes and styles and variety. I'll also cover cantaloupes, plums, and oranges and their variances.
11:00pm - 2:00am
Are You a Werewolf? (R)
Ian T. Lopp - Panel Room A
Are You a Werewolf? Based on the original classic Mafia game: A vengeful group of villagers must figure out who among them is a werewolf (before it’s too late...) Are You A Werewolf? is a deception party game for 7-65 players. Players are assigned roles secretly. Most players are Villagers, one or more will be Werewolves. The Villagers try to figure out who the werewolves are during the day, and the Werewolves eat the Villagers at night. So do YOU want to be a werewolf?
11pm - 11:45pm
Stoner Furs Meet (R+)
Minke Kitty - Panel Room B
Do you like the 'nip bruh? Wake n Bake sound like your kind of morning? Or has medical marijuana changed your life? Please, join the circle to celebrate cannabinoids and let's learn about its future in NC. (Please leave the good good in your room. Bring buds, not bud!)
12:00am - 12:45am
Asexuals After Dark 18+ (R)
Jax - Panel Room B
A moderated, open floor discussion on everything 18+ related to asexuality.
12:00am - 12:45am
ABC's of Furry NSFW (R)
Minke Kitty - Panel Room C
We're going to be licking the surface of the adult side of the fandom and taking little tastes of everything it has to offer! Come in and let's explore all the naughty corners of the furry fandom.
1:00am - 2:00am
Furry Speed Dating (R)
Minke Kitty - Panel Room B
Single and ready to mingle? Open and hopin? Poly and ready to be awkward around everyone? No matter your sexuality you're welcome to partake in this round of furry speed dating!
1:00am - 2:00am
That Shouldn't Fit!: Furry Edition (R)
Arctic - Panel Room C
The furry fandom is well known for its patronage of the arts, both NSFW and SFW alike. But how well is it known for anthropomorphic sexual realism? Join an MD student and previous EMT/ER technician on a dive into the world of furry NSFW, and how much the theoretical anthropomorphic body can fit. Will it be two raccoons? Or potentially more? We'll be covering everything from inflation to missionary on this exploration into the bowels of the furry fandom!
Registration: 10:00am - 8:00pm
Con Ops: Open 24hr
Safety Office: 9:00am - 2:00am
Photo Booth: 2:00pm - 10:00pm
Game Room: 1:00pm - 2:00am
Fuzzy Logic Escape Room: Games held at 10:30am, 11:30am, 2:30pm, 4:00pm, 5:30pm, 7:00pm, & 8:30pm
Zoo: 9:00am - 2:00am
Fursuit Lounge: 9:00am - 2:00am
Quiet Room: 9:00am - 2:00am
Dealer Den and ConStore: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Artist Alley: 10:00am - 6:00pm
1:00pm 1:45pm
Opening Ceremonies (F)
NCAS Staff - Main Events
Are you all ready for a Pre-Historic good time?! It’s time to kick off the weekends festivities in the best way possible…by having a dino-mite good time! Come and get a preview of what you can expect over the weekend as you meander around the con. You’ll laugh, and maybe even cry, but you’ll have a good time! Promise!
1:00pm - Continuous
Prehistoric Smash Bros Tournament! (U)
No Host - Game Room
Attention all dinosaurs and wanna-be dinosaurs! Your prehistoric baddies of the Game Room would like to invite you to a round(s) of Super Smash Brothers! Rules, brackets and everything will be outlined right before the start of the tournament! Be sure to join us for a smashing good time (pun intended). Signups will be in-person at the Game Room until 10:30am on Saturday. Max 16 people with the first 8 slots reserved for the tournament, and 8 additional slots for any no shows
2:00pm - 2:45pm
EGG! (U)
Rhee - Panel Room B
DO you love egg? Come and gather with fellow egg enthusiasts, birds, dragons, reptiles, even pine martens welcome!
2:00pm - 3:00pm
So this is your first FurCon? (F)
Mikey - Panel Room C
Is this your first convention? Perhaps you’ve been out of the con-loop for a bit and need a refresher? Join your favorite Mikey as he gives you some tips and tricks to make your con experience the best it can be!
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Pokemon & Digimon TCG Meet-and-battle (U)
No Host - Game Room
If you are a fan of the Pokemon TCG in any way, or looking for a Digimon TCG battle, bring your decks or devices to meet and play in the Game Room.
2:30pm - 3:45pm
Prehistoric Hip-Hop 101 (F)
Tommy Bean - Panel Room A
Ever wanted to learn how to dance a little bit, and show it off to your friends at the rave? Come learn basic hip hop moves with an experienced dinosaur!
3:00pm - 4:15pm
Paw Talk (Deaf & Hard of Hearing Meet) (F)
Ame / Chip / Spotted Night - Panel Room B
A space to get to know and socialize with the furry deaf community in the regional area. Anyone ranging from a little hard of hearing to fully deaf are welcome. But hang on, are you a friend of someone who's hard of hearing or deaf? Don't fret, you are also welcome to come socialize! It's potentially possible you could learn some ASL (American Sign Language) from others. Inclusive to all who know or do not know ASL, a few small whiteboards will be provided for inclusive communication.
3:15 PM - 4:30pm
Fursuit Cleaning and Maintenance (F)
Eddie Bear - Panel Room C
Is your fur looking a little aged? Feeling a little unsure about how to clean your fursuit?
Eddie will show you how to clean all parts of your fursuit and get it back to it's original fluffiness with simple techniques to keep your suit smelling fresh and looking good! You will learn how to keep your fursuit from getting funky during a convention, what to bring to make emergency repairs and how to do them. If time permits, he will also teach you how to sew a popped seam, and other simple repairs.
4:00pm - 5:15pm
Fursuit Games 1 (F)
NCAS Staff - Main Events
Get those fursuits on and come on down to the Main Events room! Dusk has some amazing games for you all to try! Roll some eggs, chase a trex, and avoid that asteroid before the clock runs out!
4:00pm - 4:45pm
Roller Coaster Enthusiasts (F)
Karma - Panel Room A
All furs interested in roller coasters and rides of all kinds are welcome! Whether it’s state fairs or theme parks! Carowinds or Six flags! This event is intended to bring together furs and friends who share a collective enjoyment of roller coasters. Here, we will discuss our favorite rides and meet friends with similar thrilling tastes, share our favorite memories, and plan possible meet ups!
4:30pm - 5:15pm
Triad Furs Meet & Greet (F)
Triad Furs Admins - Panel Room B
Live in the Triad Region of NC and want to meet furries in your area? Look no further! Come to our meet and greet to connect with your fellow furs from High Point, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and the surrounding areas. Learn more about the organization Triad Furs and the types of events we host!
4:45pm - 6:15pm
P.A.W.S. on CPR- How to Help Save a Fellow Fur (F)
Copper Sprite - Panel Room C
Have you ever been worried about not knowing what to do in case of an emergency situation? We can help! Come learn how to perform compression only CPR and how to use an AED that could help save a fellow furs life from a certified EMT and CPR instructor. This panel will give you the basic knowledge and hands on experience on how to perform compression only CPR, how to use an Automated External Defibrillator, and even how to perform the Heimlich maneuver safely.
5:00pm - 5:45pm
Eorzean Furs Meet & Greet (U)
Kixxie - Panel Room A
Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward, and thrilling Stormblood expansions up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime? So Have we! Come find other furries who play the hit game and listen to a couple pentalegends go on about DPS and healer uptime. Let's chat about our Duty Finder HORROR STORIES and make friends!
5:30pm - 6:15pm
Monster Hunter Gathering Hub (U)
Rox the Seikret - Panel Room B
Stop by to meet and greet fellow hunters and fans of the Monster Hunter series! Discuss how your first week of MH Wilds is going, or reminisce about previous generations. Arts and crafts will be provided by your trusty Seikret.
6:00pm - 6:45pm
Dancer Hang Out (U)
Haus of Neon - Panel Room A
Kick off the weekend with dancer friends new and old! Stretch those old fossilized bones, melt out of that ice, and mingle with your fossilized friends before tryouts!
6:30pm - 7:15pm
Hoofers Meet and Greet! (U)
Lucky the Clydesdale - Panel Room B
Greetings all hooved animals! If you're a deer, horse, goat, moose, cow, zebra, dutchie, or any other creature with hooves, you are encouraged to participate in our Hoofers Meet and Greet! All enjoyers of hooved animals are welcome as well!
6:30pm - 7:45pm
Fursuit Handlers & (Solo Handling) (U)
Cevet/Voodoo - Panel Room C
Come hang out and learn with a fully suited saberwolf having roughly 10 years of handling experience w/o a suit and 6 years w/ a suit, both solo and with groups. The main focus will be on explaining how to effectively suit "solo" w/o a handler as needed, or more ideally how to coordinate with a "handler" if possible, along with general things that all "handlers" should be aware of, prepare and know to focus on when being with/around their suiters (or even just fursuiters in over all).
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Furry Game Show Catastrophe (F)
Dusk - Main Events
The Furry Game Show Catastrophe is a wacky audience-participation game show with silly games, costumes, and surprises! For the first time, we are having participants who, at the end of the show, will get a pie in the face!
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Dance Competition Try Outs (U)
Haus of Neon - Panel Room A
THIS EVENT IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC, REGISTERED DANCERS ONLY! Come audition for a spot in the Fursuit Dance Competition (choreographed numbers) finals and mingle with your fellow competitors! You will need a fursuit to participate in this event.
Sign up here!: https://forms.gle/4XsxnSChtbJ3cMLT9
8:00pm - 8:45pm
Dance Duels Try Outs (U)
Haus of Neon - Panel Room A
THIS EVENT IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC, REGISTERED DANCERS ONLY! Come audition for a spot in the Dance Duels (freestyle dance tournament) finals and mingle with your fellow competitors! There is no fursuit necessary to participate in this event.
Sign up here!: https://forms.gle/ZrgJ56WsBFMCKPWf6
7:30pm - 8:30pm
From the lands of OSOVA THE WICKER BEASTS! (F)
Moonlight (spazz) - Panel Room B
Meet up with your fellow wickers and socialize and for those curious about us or wishing to join, come learn, socialize and explore the world of the Wicker beasts and the world of osova.
8:00pm - 8:45pm
Meet the GOH! (F)
Mikey, Riley Black, and TwilightSaint - Panel Room C
Join us as we get to know our GOH! Both of our GOH's are accomplished fellow fuzzbutts, and this is a great opportunity to get to know them! Be sure to come with lots of great questions!
8:45pm - 9:30pm
Chattin' and Chicken Scratchin' (U)
Choccey Milk and TheOnlyRobottic - Panel Room B
Relax and kick back in a chill meetup! Make some new friends or bring your current group and doodle in other peoples sketchbooks while others doodle in yours! This meetup is all about having a chill night drawing with others! A sketch book or journal and something to draw with is HIGHLY recommended, but not required. I'll have some paper and some pencils for those who don't have that stuff with them!
9:00pm - 9:45pm
Monster Hunter Smash or Pass (R)
Rox the Seikret - Panel Room C
Smash or pass on your favorite anthro Monster Hunter monsters! Hosted by your trusty Seikret mount, we will venture through the Old and New World to research the most smoochable monster. Audience voting is required by the Hunter's Guild.
9:30pm - 2:00am
Karaoke! (F)
Mikey and Tasia - Panel Room A
You know the deal! Let’s get together and sing our hearts out! Remember to keep songs appropriate! :D And remember…this is a judgment free zone! The only person that can judge is Mikey, and he promises not to do it too harshly :P
9:45pm - 11:00pm
The Alterhuman Connection (F)
Siris Vulpecula - Panel Room B
Are you a Therian, Otherkin, or Fictionkin? Maybe you identify as more of an animal, creature, or even more than one being? Perhaps you have no idea what all this is and just want to know what it is all about? Join us for an introduction and discussion of the world of Alterhuman identities and how they intersect with the furry fandom!
10:00pm - 2:00am
Nightly DJs (U)
Main Events
10pm - Bentley: Deep House / Dance
11pm - Stoney: Trance / Progressive
12am - Tailspvn: Hardgroove / Hard Dance
1am - Nullstrukt: Hard Dance, Hard Techno, & Rawstyle
10:00pm - 10:45pm
Event Horror Stories (R)
Daric & Friend(s)! - Panel Room C
Uh oh, one of our draconic staff members has left his den to invade a panel room yet again! This CANNOT be good. Join Daric, a Professional Event Planner of seven years, as he recalls the horrors he has endured at his own events. This time with friends! (Assuming they are not too busy running this con.) You'll get insight into the cruel world of Event Management and the extraordinary nature that is human beings. Just don't mind the scorch marks on your way in, it's fine, I promise.
11:00pm - 11:45pm
Venus Statues and Sexy Cavepaintings (R)
Minke Kitty - Panel Room C
Adults have always found creative ways to express themselves and what they find beautiful. Before the internet, before film, before magazines, and even before those steamy love letters humans were creating dirty little secret cave paintings and tiny pocket statues called Venus Dolls! Turn back time with us and discover how your ancestors got their rocks off.
11:30pm - 12:15pm
Sapphic Furries Meetup (R)
Cringe Raccoon - Panel Room B
Come meet other female/enby furs who are into female/enby furs!
12:00am - 2:00am
Mister Werewolf's After Hours (R)
Tyr Kangaroo - Panel Room C
Learn about consent, safety, and fun. This will also be a Q&A about things that go on behind closed doors with personal advice and a finger that can point you in the right direction to learning.
12:30am - 1:45am
How to Find Furry Doujinshi in Japan (R)
Nuffle Emberdrake - Panel Room B
You know all those high-quality manga scans on the internet that ship your two favorite Pokemon? Ever wonder where they come from? Come hang out while I tell you about my experience combing through bookstores in Tokyo and Osaka for ケモノ同人誌 (kemono doujinshi)! Afterwards, you’ll be free to browse a collection of over 100 furry comics (both SFW and NSFW) that I brought back from overseas.
Registration: 10:00am - 7:00pm
Con Ops: Open 24hr
Safety Office: 9:00am - 2:00am
Photo Booth: 10:00am - 12:00pm Closed for Fursuit Parade, Reopens 3:30pm - 10:00pm
Game Room: 9:30am - 2:00am
Fuzzy Logic Escape Room: Games held at 10:00am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:30pm, 4:00pm, 5:30pm, 7:00pm, & 8:30pm
Zoo: 9:00am - 2:00am
Fursuit Lounge: 9:00am - 2:00am
Quiet Room: 9:00am - 2:00am
Dealer Den and ConStore: 10:00am - 1:30pm, Closed for lunch, Reopens 2pm - 6pm
Artist Alley: 10:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 10:30am
Going To The Gym 101 (F)
CastorWheels - Panel Room C
Having trouble sticking to your New Year's resolution to make this the year you get in shape? Want to match the physique of your fursona, but don't know where to start? Well this is the panel for you! We'll cover the basics of finding a gym, developing a workout program, learning basic exercises, and giving you the tools to get started on your fitness journey!
9:30am - 10:15am
Triangle Area Furs Meetup (F)
Triangle Area Fur Admins - Panel Room B
Are your a furry that resides in the Durham or Raleigh area? Well look no further, since we have the perfect meetup for you! Come hangout with the local furs and get to know who's around you! This event is hosted by the TAF staff, so now is a perfect time to also meet our organizers for various meetups.
10:15am - 11:00am
The Not-So-Famous Canidae Meetup (F)
Yonek Yote - Panel Room A
Are you a lesser known species from the dog family Canidae? Come scamper on over and meet and greet other not-so-famous dog species from coyotes, dholes, dingoes, African Wild dogs, jackals, and much more! Howl along, play along, learn along together as a mix-mashed, improvised pack!
10:30am - 11:15am
Taur and Multi Furs (U)
Siris Vulpecula - Panel Room B
Do you enjoy fursonas with extra legs, arms, heads or more? Centaurs and the like more your speed? Meet your fellow taurs, multi, and enthusiast!
10:45am - 12:00pm
Let’s Build a Furry: Prehistoria Edition! (F)
Lilac the Deerest - Panel Room C
Join your favorite purple deer and help Lilac create a new, prehistoric OC! Toss in adjectives or characteristics as we forge a gorgeous, cool, or even downright frightening fursona for Lilac to draw before your eyes! Sketch paper and drawing utensils will be supplied at the panel while supplies last. Join in on the fun!
11:00am - 12:15pm
Lip Sync Battles (U)
Mikey - Main Events
The ultimate battle to avoid being eaten by a T-rex is upon us! Watch as performers sing and dance to songs of their choosing as they impress our Noble Queen (heh!) to avoid public humiliation! Who will be our top three? Who will be shamed? I guess you’ll just have to attend and watch as our performers try to tricera-top each other’s performances! Roaring good times await, I promise!
11:15am - 12:00pm
PokéFurs Meet and Greet (F)
Delta Wolfie - Panel Room A
Calling all Pokémon fans! Do you have a Pokésona, a Pokémon themed fursuit, collect the cards or merch, play the games, or just enjoy Pokémon in general? Then this panel is for you! Come on in to meet fellow Pokémon fans and share the love for the franchise. Bring your games or cards to trade or show collections, or bring a plush of your favorite Pokémon to represent your faves! We will take a group photo as well!
11:30am - 12:15pm
South Carolina Furs Meetup (F)
Gwaion, Kevlar Stripes - Panel Room B
A meetup for SC furs attending Bewhiskered Prehistoria!
12:15pm - 1:30pm
Pun's Sketch and Destress (F)
Pun the Sparkledog / ChocceyMilk - Panel Room B
Bring your sketchbooks and come chill out with Pun the Sparkledog! Doodle in your own sketchbook or swap with others in the space. Chit-chat with new and old art friends. Take some time to unwind during the busy con.
12:30pm - 1:15pm
Marsupial Mob (F)
Tyr Kangaroo - Panel Room A
This event is calling upon all marsupials for a meeting. Come meet up with the coolest critters in the fandom. There's more than dogs and cats, right? ;.;
12:30pm - 1:15pm
Hiking NC with Jax & Mikey (U)
Jax & Mikey - Panel Room C
North Carolina is known as the Great Trails State; have you ever considered exploring it on foot? Feel free to come ask two experienced hikers, Jax and Mikey, any questions you've wondered about day hiking in NC at this panel. They'll review the basics of what you need to know to get out there safely, recommend gear that'll help you enjoy your time on the trail, and answer any other hiking questions you may have.
1:30pm - 3:15pm
Fursuit Parade (F)
NCAS Staff - Main Events
Put your most expensive outfit on, aka, your fursuit and prance your way into the Main Events room to get your picture taken with hundreds of other fursuits! Get lost in the BWS Prehistoric Fursuit Herd and don’t forget to smile! Be there early to claim the best spots and guarantee you’ll be in the photo! Those not in fursuit are encouraged to look up the route and pick a great spot to watch the parade!
2:00 - Continuous
King of Tokyo 8 Person Tournament (U)
No Host - Game Room
Do you enjoy tournaments? Like King of Tokyo? Wanna get to know our Game Room Staff? Then you should come check out the King of Tokyo Tournament our Game Room staff is hosting! You’ll have a great time, we promise! Signups will be in-person at the Game Room until 12:30pm on Sunday. Max 12 people with the first 8 slots reserved for the tournament, and 6 additional slots for any no shows.
3:30pm - 4:15pm
Parent Q&A (F)
Nibbins - Panel Room A
So, your child dragged you to this Con and you don't know what's going on? You have questions or concerns about the Furry Fandom, Furry Con and what it all means for your Family? Come and let's talk about it. Nibbins is the parent of 3 children (2 furry and one "normal") in the age range from pre-teen to teenager and many years of experience taking the kids out to furry, anime and comic conventions.
3:30pm - 4:15pm
Young Furs Meet n Greet (F)
Maxx Cat - Panel Room A
Want to meet kids your age? Excited to share your furry content with someone who gets it? Come on in and let's play some fun games and meet some new friends! This is where the Kids Tables is reserved for the Cool Kidz! (Don't worry Parents, we will have a table for you all too with Nibbins!)
3:45pm - 4:30pm
Sly’s Bird meet and Beak (F)
Sly the Raven - Panel Room B
Come join fellow feathered and beaked friends in a laid back hang out! Not a bird? Not a problem! Come bird watch instead!
4:30pm - 5:45pm
Jimmy Buffet Con (U)
Skittlez, Roxie, Gabriel - Panel Room A
Check those clocks, because it’s 5’o clock somewhere. So quit your Havana Daydreamin’, and cruise on down to Jimmy Buffet Con. Join us as we celebrate the island way, and pay tribute to Jimmy Buffet. Enjoy a cheese burgers in paradise as we listen to the hits of the main man himself. Its bound to be filled with great music, fun games and Come Monday we all may regret partying so hard but we don’t have to wonder what Jimmy Buffet would do. Flip Flops and Sunglasses not optional!!!
4:30pm - 5:45pm
What Makes a Dinosaur? (F)
Cinero and Riley Black - Panel Room C
Are the ancient and scaly dimetrodons a type of dinosaur? Nope! They are synapsids that lived about 40 million years before any dino. Are birds dinosaurs? Yes! But why? Come to this panel to learn from a museum nerd about what makes a dinosaur and practice identifying some cool prehistoric-inspired fursuits!
4:45pm - 5:30pm
Fursuit Trading and Supplies (F)
CometTheWusky - Panel Room B
Have a fursuit/part you want to trade? Well here’s where to do it! Bring any parts you’d want to trade with others and see if your new suit/parts is waiting here! Fursuit supplies and furs are also allowed here. All are welcome to attend!
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Dance Duels (U)
Haus of Neon - Main Events
A dance battle tournament for cavemen and creatures alike! Watch incredible freestyle dancers, either in or out of fursuit, face off in a battle to take home the glory! Roar louder than a T-Rex for your favorites!
5:45pm - 7:00pm
Analog Film and Photo Meet (U)
Turuun Elk - Panel Room B
A place for analog photo, cinema, and darkroom print enthusiasts to exchange ideas, check out gear, and make connections. Whether you're a seasoned analog floof looking for tips on where to find that rare film, a new enthusiast wondering how to get started, or anywhere in between, we've got a spot for you at the table. Bring your cameras or any other gear you'd like to show (please, no hazardous materials, including darkroom chemistry).
6:00pm - 6:45pm
Silly Guys Meet and Greet! (F)
Jam-Jam the Clown Lion - Panel Room A
Are you a clown? A jester? Maybe even a mime? Just wanna see some silly guys running around, honking and squeaking? Come on down to the Silly Guys Meet and Greet! (Clown noses not required for entry)
6:00pm - 6:45pm
Home Lab (U)
cptindex - Panel Room C
I'm wanting to run this event to share and connect to other people interested in running their own home labs. Another goal would be to help guide new comers on how to and give insight. This is open to all!
7:00pm - 7:45pm
WNC Furs Meet (F)
WNC Furs Admins - Panel Room A
If you live west of I-77 or call the Smokey Mountains of NC home please join us and meet your other locals! We'd love to say hello to our neighbors even when we're away from home!
7:00pm - 7:45pm
Model Horses! A Discussion (F)
Haize - Panel Room C
Come join Haize in a discussion and introduction to Model Horses.
7:45pm - 8:30pm
Acrylic Painting Demo (U)
Cadaver - Panel Room B
Come watch Cadaver give an acrylic painting demonstration. She will walk you through her painting process and talk about each step along the way. Feel free to bring your sketchbooks and art supplies to create alongside her.
8:00pm - 9:00pm
Jane Drolf presents: Blasts from the Past (U)
Jane Drolf - Main Events
Hey I found a new material. Apparently you can make music with it. I think I’ll call it… METAL. Oh wow… this is pretty heavy.
8:00pm - 9:45pm
Ponder's Retro Jukebox Sock Hop (F)
Ponder Beaver - Panel Room A
Shake your tails to a curated playlist of danceable tunes from the late 1940s, 1950s & early 1960s — a mix of hits and obscurities featuring rhythm ‘n blues, doo wop, rockabilly & early rock ‘n roll. Fursuiters & non-suiters welcome!
8:00pm - 8:45pm
The Lion King's Influence on Everything the Light Touches (F)
Maxx Cat - Panel Room C
Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase! Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze! Over the decades this particular pride of lions has influenced generations and showcased all that Disney has to offer. Let's dive into the Pridelands and take a look at the many adaptations and what makes this iconic piece of media shine.
8:45pm - 10:00pm
Furry Trading Post (F)
Croix and Bynxs! - Panel Room B
Wanna trade pins? Got something from a mystery box you don't want? Some random stuff you wanna bring from home? Everything SFW is welcome here! Bring any furry-adjacent items and see what treasures you can trade for~!
9:00pm - 9:45pm
Monsters & Cryptids (U)
Tyr Kangaroo - Panel Room C
Do the scary and cute things haunt your mind? Does the Jersey Devil scratch at your door? Or maybe a pack of werewolves roam your neighborhood? Whatever side of the coin it is, I'm here to tell you the difference and similarities between cryptids and monsters. Be prepared to share your favorite!
10:00pm - 2:00am
Nightly DJs (U)
Main Events
10pm - Kalesy: Base / Dubstep
11pm - RainbowFloof: Experimental & Deconstructed Club
12am - Riley WinterLion: Hard Pop and Dad Rock
10:00pm - 10:45pm
Rhody Rocks the Stone Age! (R)
Bellamy Howlford - Panel Room A
In Ancient Times there was only one music: ROCK!! So many Rocks! Classic Rock, Punk Rock, Hard Rock, Pop Rock! Come jam out to some of the best Rock music from the BC-Era to modern times performed live by Bellamy Howlford AKA RhodyDevil!
10:00pm - 11:15pm
Nailed IT.. BWS Style! (R)
Mikey - Panel Room C
Based on the Netflix show of the same name…but with a twist. Watch as non-artists attempt to recreate pieces of art while our judges..well, judge them! Let’s all have a good time while our contestants attempt to flex their artistic skills with hilarious results! You may cry a little, but overall you’ll have a blast! Be sure to join us!
10:15pm - 11:00pm
Tattoo Meet (U)
Taythan - Panel Room B
Show off your cool tattoos and share ideas. Non inked welcome!
11:15pm - 12:30am
Sketch n Swap NSFW (R)
Choccey Milk and TheOnlyRobottic - Panel Room B
Like to doodle? Want to start? Come join Choccey and Robo for an Adult Art swap! Bring your sketch books (or just a piece of paper) and doodle with us!
11:30pm - 12:15pm
Therian Meditation (F)
Maxx Cat - Panel Room A
Is furry something more than a hobby for you? Do you feel spiritually connected to your chosen animal? Looking for a peaceful moment during the busy convention? If you answered yes to any of those questions, please, join us for a moment of meditation. We will learn how to drop into our true animal bodies and get in touch with our prehistoric ancestors after a discussion on what it means to be a therian.
11:30pm - 12:15am
Adventures Gone Wrong, with Jax and Mikey (R)
Jax & Mikey - Panel Room C
Sometimes adventures turn into misadventures, where $*#% goes wrong! Come hear Mikey and Jax retell stories of the trips gone awry.
12:30am - 1:45am
A Littles Meet n Greet ( 18+ Only ) (R)
MagicalGirlShido - Panel Room A
Calling all ABDLs, Littles, middles and bigs! Let's have a little meet and greet! Want to let you inner child play? Come on down and lets color, enjoy story time and play cute games! This is a 18+ event and is geared towards adult age players.
12:45am - 2:00am
Pup Play and More Meet and Greet (R)
Tyr Kangaroo - Panel Room B
This event is for those pups in the fandom, but all are welcome! Horses, cats, and more. Find people that are just as enthusiastic as you are about getting into that creative expressionism and headspace.
12:45am - 2:00am
Bad Movie Night (R)
iBolt - Panel Room C
What's better than a good movie? A bad movie with good people! Join us for a night of laughs!
Registration: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Con Ops: Closes at 2:00am on Monday
Safety Office: 9:00am - 2:00am
Photo Booth: 10:00am - 6:30pm
Game Room: 9:30am - 6:00pm
Fuzzy Logic Escape Room: Games held at 10:00am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:30pm, and 4:00pm
Zoo: 9:00am - 2:00am
Fursuit Lounge: 9:00am - 2:00am
Quiet Room: 9:00am - 2:00am
Dealer Den and ConStore: 10:00am - 1:30pm closed for lunch 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Artist Alley: 10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am- 11:15am
Airbrushing 101 (F)
Copper Sprite - Panel Room C
Have you ever wanted to know how fursuit makers turn solid colored fur into blended shades, accents, and realistic textures? Come watch a live demonstration of airbrushing a realistic fursuit head while learning tips, tricks, and more!
10:15am - 11:30am
Comic Rush (F)
Mocha Claws - Panel Room B
Comic Rush is a timed drawing and improvised story telling game where each round five players will take turns drawing a panel of a comic. Players will pass their page to the person next to them to draw the next panel, and this will be done until each comic page is complete. Will any of the finished comics make sense? I have no idea! Pens, colored pencils, and blank comic pages will be provided. Artists of all skill levels are welcome to play!
11:00am - 12:45pm
Charity Auction (F)
NCAS Staff - Main Events
Though you may be a little weary after your dino-mite explosion of a weekend, but why not stop by and bid on some unique items you won’t find anywhere else in the pre-historic world? All proceeds from our charity auction go directly to our charity! Come by and help out a worthy cause!
11:00am - 11:45am
Book Wyrms and Literary Otters: Furry Books in Public Libraries (U)
Clarkson - Panel Room A
A group discussion about furry literature, rise in popular books about anthro characters, and public libraries. Will also discuss how to request books for public library collections.
11:30am - 12:15pm
Geocaching 101: A Real Life Treasure Hunt (F)
Skittlez the Wulf - Panel Room C
Have you ever found yourself bored with nothing to do? Don’t want to break the bank with an extravagant outing, but also don’t want to stay home to do the same thing you always do? Look no further! I’ve got the activity for you, GEOCACHING! Come learn about the world wide phenomenon of geocaching, a fun free to play “game” where you get out to find hidden caches around the globe.
11:45am - 12:30pm
Skullie and Cryptids Meet and Greet (F)
Trash and Scales - Panel Room B
A meet up for all you deceased and cryptids out there! Come join us and get to know your fellow elusive cryptids! Everyone is a skullie on the inside, all are welcome!
12:00pm - 12:45pm
Meat & Greet (U)
Tyr Kangaroo - Panel Room A
Got muscles? Are you a muscle enthusiast? Is your character the biggest and bestest beefcake around? Come meet up with all those that love to have an amazing physique and give us a flex!
12:30pm - 1:45pm
Fursuiting 101 (F)
Chase the Fox - Panel Room C
A beginner's guide to fursuiting, covering important topics like performance, care, and your well-being while in suit. Volunteers are welcome and appreciated!
1:00pm - 1:30pm
Animal Jam Made Me a Furry (F)
Yonek Yote - Panel Room B
Calling all Jammers! Are you a major Animal Jam (AJ) fan? Whether you’re new to the game(s), a veteran player from the beta testing days of just AJ Classic, or a tablet jammer of Play Wild (now Animal Jam), come join us for a deep dive of the world of Jamaa, discussions, lore, trivia, tips/secrets, and appreciation over the floofy awesomeness of its critters! Bring your laptop/devices to play and socialize! Bring memorabilia to show and tell!
1:00pm - 2:15pm
Aviation Furs (U)
Siris Vulpecula - Panel Room A
All enthusiast, pilots, maintainers, controllers, crew, and simmers welcome! Lets celebrate the modern miracle of flight! Come join and discuss or bring your burning questions!
2:00pm - 3:45pm
Dance Competition (U)
Haus of Neon - Main Events
Watch some of the furry fandom's most impressive talent in a competition for the ages! Fursuit performers will dominate the dance floor like the ancient apex predators of the Cretaceous in choreographed routines.
2:00pm - 2:45pm
Animated Songs Quiz (F)
Nick - Panel Room C
Think you know songs from animated movies and shows, test your knowledge with this quiz that uses only animated tv shows and movies from the late 90s all the way to mid to late 2000s.
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Neopets of Tryannia (F)
A the Aisha - Panel Room B
Grr... Arrg... Gulg... Are you ready to visit the oldest Neopet land? Spin a Wheel, Find a Concert Ticket, and don't forget to Grab a Slice of Omelette! Join fellow Neopians in this little adventure and maybe you'll earn enough Neopoints to win a special prize.
4:00pm - 4:45pm
Warrior Cats: Gathering (F)
Flameleap - Panel Room A
All cats old enough to catch their own prey: gather at Bewhiskered to meet your clanmates, play games, and discuss the Warrior Cats saga.
4:00pm - 5:15pm
How to Create Your Own Fursona Backstory and Lore (F)
Crimson Legacy - Panel Room C
Do you wanna create a fun and exciting backstory for you fursona. Interested in building a world or creating lore or storytelling this panel is for you! From design, down to backstories I’ll teach you how to elevate your own character whether you are a beginner or a pro.
4:15pm - 5:00pm
Don't Pay For Spray (F)
Polka The Dragon - Panel Room B
Fursuit spray can be pretty costly to buy...Why pay for it when you can learn to make it yourself? Cut the cost and come learn how! In this panel me and my co-host will teach you how to make fursuit spray with normal household ingredients! Come learn to make your own spray and then make your own bottle to take home in this interactive workshop. Mix and match your own scent followed by a few naming competitions with prizes! Never pay for fur-suit spray again! See you there!
4:30pm - 5:45pm
Fursuit Games 2 (F)
NCAS Staff - Main Events
Finish off the weekend fluffy critters with another round of Fursuit Games! Dusk has some amazing activities planned for you all in the Main Events room. Put on your fursuit and head on down before the weekend is over!
5:15pm - 6:15pm
Rin's Trinket Trading Hub (F)
Rin (VixessRin) and Zephur Grimm - Panel Room B
Do you collect trinkets? Pins, kandi, stickers, shiny rocks, etc? Come and trade with us! Trade your collectibles for others' trinkets, meet new friends, share your interests and walk away with some new treasures! All SFW trades welcome, anyone can participate! Please note, per con policy, this event is TRADE ONLY!
6:30pm - 7:15pm
Closing Ceremonies (F)
NCAS Staff - Main Events
It looks as though our weekend is drawing to an end, though before we go extinct, let’s relive the highlights of the weekend and end his year’s Bewhiskered with a bang! We’ll even give you a sneak peek of what’s to come for Bewhiskered in the future; you don’t want to miss it, so please join us!
7:00pm - 7:45pm
Dancer Cooldown (F)
Haus of Neon - Panel Room A
Come hang out, stretch, and give feedback about the weekend's dance events! Wind down and connect with your fellow dancers as the final roar of the weekend echoes in the distance.
7:30pm - 8:15pm
Behind the Scenes of NCAS (F)
NCAS Staff - Panel Room C
Curious about how this weekend came to be? We will give you the history lesson on how North Carolina Anthro Society came to be and pull back the curtain on the inner workings that create and support these beautiful weekends!
8:30pm - 12:00am
Nightly DJs (U)
Main Events
8:30pm - DJ Charlie: Pop, Top 40, Club Mix, & Electrohouse
9pm - Malkontent: Psytrance / Hard Trance
10pm - Spike Papp: Trance, Progressive
11pm - Ima: Open Format Electronic