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Guests of Honor

Riley Black

The award-winning author of The Last Days of the Dinosaurs, When the Earth Was Green, and many other fossiliferous books. Her writing's appeared in a variety of publications such as National Geographic, Smithsonian, Slate, and many more, and she's been a repeat guest on programs such as Science Friday, All Things Considered, and NOVA. When not writing about fossils, Riley joins university and museum teams each summer to explore fossil sites across the west. Even her fursona is inspired by the fossil record, as giant jaguars used to roam more widely across the world during the last Ice Age.
Find more info about Riley Black on her website!



is a self-taught artist focusing in digital art, with a particular passion for drawing furries, mythical creatures, dragons, dragons, and MORE dragons! He's been drawing as long as he can remember and loves all things scaly, to include his multiple snakes and lizards he's adopted. He has a background as a Navy pilot, focusing on electronic warfare and suppression of enemy defense missions. TwilightSaint is an avid fursuiter and dancer, regularly sharing videos on Twitter and YouTube of his fursuits. Of his characters, he is most well-known as Raze the Dinodog, Sniper the Kestrel Dutch Angel Dragon, and Rampage the Yellow Jacket.

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